1.国家重点研发计划项目2018YFC1802605,高山河谷金属采选场地及周边土壤防治技术研发与模式构建 2.国家自然科学基金3110037,稀土对长江上游水体富营养化的影响机理研究 3.国家自然科学基金51109147,天然植物多酚对微囊藻细胞膜及细胞器质膜通道蛋白作用机理研究 4.国家自然科学基金51308361,空调通风调控臭氧诱发体表化学污染有效度及协同送风量研究 5.区域创新重点项目2022YFQ0081,川滇地区散露矿渣堆污染扩散生态阻隔关键技术研究与集成示范 6.四川省重大科技专项项目9ZDZX011,川南土壤酸化区农田安全利用综合技术集成与示范 7.四川省科技厅国际合作项目2019YFH1027,基于无人船平台的富营养化湖库藻华防治技术应用研究 8.四川省科技厅重点项目2017GZ0383,铅污染土壤关键修复技术研究 9.四川省科技厅重点项目2017SZ0181,四川土壤重金属赋存形式、迁移转化规律与原位活化机理研究 10.四川省科技厅项目2014JY0224,高效低成本深度处理废水的新型光催化纳米材料及其作用机理研究 11.四川省科技厅项目2011JY0026,稀土对水体富营养化有效性的影响研究 12.四川省重点技术创新项目2010XM015,基于电致伸缩器件的高性能新型电极结构及材料研制 13.四川省科技厅项目2015KJT0017-2015ZI,新建本科院校服务地方经济发展的研究与实践 14.成都市科技局项目2015-HM01-00013-SF,酒糟废水生产微藻蛋白关键技术研究 15成都市科技局项目11DXYB198JH,以污泥、建筑垃圾为基料制备高强轻质发泡环保陶瓷板 16.成都市环境保护局项目18H0360,成都市土壤中代表性有机污染物修复技术研究 17.成都市环境保护局项目16H0634,废弃铅蓄电池污染场地修复技术研究 18.成都市环境保护局项目17H0126,成都市重点区域土壤中重金属赋存形态及迁移转化模型构建 19.中央财政专项资金项目21H1250,兴文县仙峰苗族乡历史遗留硫铁矿渣堆污染源头防控 20.中央财政专项资金项目20H0126,广元市朝天区汪家乡煤矸石堆场及周边农用地土壤污染治理与修复实施方案及施工设计 21.中央财政专项资金项目19H1002,兴文县黄家沟渣场及同边农田土壤污染治理和修复实施方案 22.中央财政专项资金项目18H012,德阳市锦程化工有限公司原址场地土壤污染治理与修复方案 23.中央财政专项资金项目18H4026,犍为县农用地土壤污染治理与修复试点示范项目技术筛查和实施方案 24.中央财政专项资金项目17H0868,四川省凉山彝族自治州土壤风险管控试点区建设方案编制 25.四川省环保厅项目10H0608,安宁河流域西昌境内重金属污染重点防控区域风险评估 26.成都市环科院项目14H1050,成都市重金属污染防治动态管理数据库及重金属污染企业搬迁迹地场地环境调查 27.澳门环保项目10H1403,炉渣灰露天填埋场对环境影响调查与评估 28.贵阳市两湖一库管理局项目15H040,贵阳市朱昌镇茶饭村石洞废弃煤矿煤矸石酸性废水及矿井废水复合生态综合治理项目提升改造技术 |
1.Wei Wei,Zongxin Ran , Huan He, Kuan Zhou , Zhuoxi Huangfu ,Jiang Yu*.Desorption process and morphological analysis of real polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons contaminated soil by theheterogeminisurfactant and its mixed systems.Chemosphere,2020, 254:126854. 2.Bin Wu , Ziru Wang , Yuxing Zhao , Yuanming Gu , Ying Wang,Jiang Yu*,et al.The performance of biochar microbe multiple biochemical material on bioremediation and soil micro ecology in the cadmium aged soil,Science of the Total Environment,2019,686:719. 3.Dinghua Peng , Bin Wu , Hang Tan, Siyu Hou, Min Liu,, Hao Tang,Jiang Yu*,et al.Effect of multiple iron-based nanoparticles on availability of lead andiron, and micro-ecology in lead contaminated soil,Chemosphere,2019,228:44. 4.Siwei Deng,Jiang Yu*, et al. Distribution, transfer, and time-dependent variation of Cd in soil-rice system:A case study in the Chengdu plain, Southwest China,Soil & Tillage Research,2019, 195:104376. 5. Yizheng Wang,Jiang Yu*,et al. Novel multilayer TiO2heterojunction decorated by low g-C3N4content and its enhanced photocatalytic activity under UV, visible and solar light irradiation,Scientific Reports,2019,9:5932. 6.Xiaoshuang Sun,Zongxin Ran, Yuerong Wu,Chengwei Zhong, Weiwei Zhu,Hameed Hllah,Jiang Yu*. Optimization of PAHs oxidation from contaminatedsoil using modified nanoscale zero-valent ironcombined with potassium permanganate,RSC Advances,2022, 12:7335 7.QuanfengLiu,Jiang Yu*, et al.Activation ofperoxydisulfate byMIL101(Fe)/gC3N4for2-chlorophenol–contaminated soil: parameter optimizationby response surface methodology.Journal of Soils and Sediments.2022 8.Siwei Deng, Peirou Li,Yunzhen, Zongxin Ran,Yunxiao Peng ,Shili Yang, Huan He, Kuan Zhou,Jiang Yu*.Alleviating Cd translocation and accumulation in soil– rice systems: Combination of foliarspraying of nano- Si or nano- Se and soil application of nano- humus.Soil Use Manage. 2021,37:319. 9.Chengwei Zhong, Wei Wei , Huan He, Zhuoxi Huangfu , YiZheng Wang,Jiang Yu*.The photocatalytic performance of ternary g-C3N4/Bi2O3/TiO2heterojunction composite for degradationof organic pollutants under visible and ultraviolet light,J Mater Sci: Mater Electron.,2021,32:2146 10.Zhuoxi HuangFu, Zongxin Ran, Yinpeng Mo, Zichen Xu, Wei Wei,Jiang Yu*.The performance of emerging materials derived from waste organism blood and saponified modified orange peel for immobilization of available Cd in soil,RSC Advances, 2020,10:37419. 11.Yinying Jiang , Yizheng Wang, Kuan Zhou, Senxu Ding,Jiang Yu*.Influence of TiO2conjunct with different g–C3N4massratios on photocatalytic activity: visible and UVdegradation of organic pollutant.J Mater Sci: Mater Electron,2021,32:283214 12.Weidong Peng,Jiang Yu*,et al.Bi2O3and g-C3N4quantum dots modified anatase TiO2ternary heterojunction system for degradation of dyes under sunlight irradiation. RSC Advances,2020, 10:1181. 13. Peirou Li,Jiang Yu*,et al.Applyingmodified biochar with nZVI/nFe3O4to immobilize Pb incontaminated soil.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020,27:24495. 14. Siwei Deng,Jiang Yu*, et al. Gd, I doped TiO2thin films coated on solid waste material: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity under UV or visible light irradiation, Applied Physics A, 2017, 123:639. 15.Yizheng Wang,Jiang Yu*,Ping Wang,et al. Response of energy microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtiito nitrogen and phosphorus stress. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25:5762 16.Jiang Yu*, Ping Wang. Thermal constraints on growth, stoichiometry and lipid content of different groups of microalgae with bio-energy potential. Journal of Applied Phycology,2018,30:1503. 17.Jiang Yu*, Ci Wang, et al. Response ofmicroalgaegrowth andcellcharacteristics tovarioustemperatures,Asian J. Chem., 2014, 26(11):3366. 18.Jiang Yu*, Wai-tim Ho, et al.Study on water quality and biodiversity of surface microlayer in fresh waters, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013, 12(9): 1747. 19.Ping Wang, Jiang Yu*.The influence of nutrients on the growth of bio-energy microalgae Chlammydomonas reinhardtii,Journal of BiobasedMaterials and Bioenergy,2016,10:229. 20. Jiang Yu*, Wen-qing Chen, Jian-quan Liu, et al.Study of the promoting mechanism of Rare Earth on water eutrophication in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.Disaster Advances, 2012, 5(4), 1595. |