1. Yao Chen, Massimiliano Fabbricino, Marc F. Benedetti,
Gregory V. Korshin, Spectroscopic in situ examination of interactions of rare
earth ions with humic substances, Water Research, 2015, 68:273-281
2. Ruzhen Xie, Wenju Jiang, Hui Wang, Yanxin Jiang, Xiang
Huang and Yao Chen, Adsorption of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution by
sludge-base activated carbons obtained from chemical and physical activation,
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2014,23(10): 2388-2394 (corresponding
3. Ruzhen Xie, Wenju Jiang, Li Wang, Jianfei Peng, Yao Chen,
Effect of pyrolusite loading on sewage sludge-based activated carbon in
Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) adsorption. Environmental Progress &
Sustainable Energy, 2013,32(4):1066-1073 (corresponding author)
4. Yao Chen, Li Jiang, Xiujuan Ji, Wenju Jiang, Treatment of
dyeing wastewater by activated carbons derived from municipal sewage sludge,
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2012,31(4), 585-590
5. Yao Chen, Wenju Jiang, Li Jiang, Xiujuan Ji, Adsorption
behavior of activated carbon derived from pyrolusite-modified sewage sludge:
equilibrium modeling, kinetic and thermodynamic studies, Water Science and
Technology, 2011, 64(3):661-669
6. Lu Fan, Yao Chen, Li Wang, Wenju Jiang, Adsorption of Pb(Ⅱ)
from Aqueous Solutions by Pyrolusite Modified Activated Carbon Prepared from
Sewage Sludge, Adsorption Science & Technology, 2011 29(5):495-506
7. Chen Liu, Zhengguang Tang, Yao Chen, Shijun Su, Wenju Jiang,Characterization
of mesoporous activated carbons prepared by pyrolysis of sewage sludge with
pyrolusite,Bioresource Technology, 2010,101:1097~1101.
8. Yao Chen, Wenju Jiang, Liang David Tee, Tay Joo Hwa.
Aerobic granulation under the combination of hydraulic and loading selection
pressures. Bioresource Technology, 2008,99(16):7444~7449.
9. Yao Chen, Wenju Jiang, Liang David Tee, Tay Joo Hwa.
Biodegradation and kinetics of aerobic granules under high organic loading rates
in sequencing batch reactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2008,
10. Yao Chen, Wenju Jiang, Liang David Tee, Tay Joo
Hwa. Structure and stability of aerobic granules cultivated under different
shear force in sequencing batch reactors. Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology, 2007, 76(5): 1199-1208.